3 |
2,656 |
Snowshoe Hare by
Stephen Welsh
The Spirit River guy here in Aus. has deliverd unto me three of said
feet. I perused the recent(ish) thread/s where Tom/Willi described using
a coffee...
( 1 2 3)
May 11th, 2004 07:38 AM
by Hooked
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6,211 |
Fly tying Kits by
Keith Smith
Hi all,
Can anybody recommend a decent flytying kit (in Uk). I've got £50 -
£70 to spend??
Thanks for any advice.
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More Quill body questions by
Since my server hasn't shown a post here today, allow me to continue with a
thought. Can anyone recommend a website with instructions on how to tie
( 1 2)
11 |
2,830 |
Wooly Mugger by
Salmo Bytes
More photos coming soon. I fished this (fly?)...
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1,514 |
Fish Alberta Canada !!!! by
Looking for a worthwhile fishing experience in Canada??? Why not fish the
world renown " Bow River " In Alberta.
Check out the link to get all the details you...
May 6th, 2004 12:38 AM
by gARY
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1,855 |
Valerie sorry by
I was getting so much spam. If your Intrested in how i did getting started
you can E- mail at
May 5th, 2004 03:59 AM
by Kevin
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1,091 |
Quill body flies by
Can you use any quill? I have lots of mediocre hackle bits that I wonder
about stripping off and making quill bodies out of. Do you have do anything
to soften...
( 1 2)
12 |
3,099 |
NC Flyfisng by
Guy Thornberg
I will be traveling to Fayetteville, North Carolina at the end of the month.
Any help locating a trout fishery near there (within 200 miles) would...
1 |
1,158 |
Rockfish by
If you have a fast connection and QuickTime . this is incredible
May 4th, 2004 08:11 AM
by Hooked
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1,515 |
Fly Photos by
I'm offering FREE photohosting for Anglers interested in posting their photos
in our forum.
Of course, you may post them anywhere else as well after...
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2,015 |
Re-Stock by
peter tasker
I have dozens of flies at less than wholesale prices including Lures Nymphs
Wets etc.Anyone interested?...
2 |
1,247 |
May 2nd, 2004 05:16 PM
by Skygge
13 |
3,979 |
Alternative uses for tying gear? by
A little OT, but I was thinking today of how much I like to sit in front of
my vice, tying little elegant flies. Its such a relaxing and productive
thing, sort...
6 |
1,958 |
A Compara Dun Question by
I wonder how long compara duns are supposed to float without floatant.
I conjecture that without any help of floatant, as deer hair arc wing
( 1 2)
May 2nd, 2004 04:37 AM
by bones
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2,126 |
What's Up? by
Been away for awhile. What's happened? It looks a lot of the 'Subject
Titles' are by porno peddlers.
4 |
1,037 |
Fishing in New Brunswick by
Michael Rowe
I am going on vacation to Fredericton In New Brunswick in September/October.
Any thoughts or ideas for fly fishing. Coming from UK I won't be taking
any of...
May 1st, 2004 12:00 AM
by Kiyu
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1,449 |
Turkeybou by
Anyone have a good use for that marabou looking fluff around the base
of smaller turkey feathers around the tail?
to fish is human....to release...
April 30th, 2004 07:50 AM
by Hooked
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1,384 |