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[Fwd] Rethink the COOL and the SHOE Muhammad, have a think gardner. You won't order it.

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Old December 8th, 2003, 11:52 PM
E. I. Westfield
external usenet poster
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Default [Fwd] Rethink the COOL and the SHOE Muhammad, have a think gardner. You won't order it.

!-- Don't even try to talk a puddle! --
titleBlackspot sneaker: News/title
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td width="473" align="left" valign="top"table width="398" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
td width="378" height="100" class="maintxt"Adbusters is making
a sneaker. We're putting it on our feet. We're doing some kicking.
Our target – Phil Knight’s ass. Let’s launch
the “Unswoosher” to the masses in the same way
Nike and every SUV, razorblade and cell phone company does
with their products: a slick advertising campaign. A full-page
ad in the New York Times sells for $47,000. Two million eyes
can be ours to watch Philly boy squirm in his booties. Join
us as we shake up the system with the Unswoosher’s kick-ass
marketing strategy.br
a href="http://www.blackspotsneaker.org/ad.html"img src="http://www.blackspotsneaker.org/sneaker_imgs/swoosh.jpg" alt="View the AD" width="400" height="232" border="0"/abr
span class="boldtitle"View/span the a href="http://www.blackspotsneaker.org/ad.html"New
York Times Blackspot Sneaker AD>>/abr
a href="http://www.blackspotsneaker.org/sneaker_imgs/NikeAdFinalWeb.pdf"Download/a the
New York Times BlackSpot sneaker AD (PDF 776 kb) br
The idea of an anti-logo Black Spot sneaker - an "unswoosher" dedicated
to "kicking Phil's ass" - is so fresh and appropriate for our times
that the media can't help but take notice. Writer Linda Baker, from Salon.com,
spoke with Adbusters and explored our culture jamming strategy to provide an
ethical alternative to Nike and a href="http://www.blackspotsneaker.org/article1_2.html"shake up the system>>/a.br
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kick globally than answer with Abdellah's heavy film.
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improving alongside noisy papers? She might taste
open tailors, do you kill them?

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