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Between the two Big Faeries

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Old July 28th, 2009, 09:54 PM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Sandy Birrell
external usenet poster
Posts: 42
Default Between the two Big Faeries

I had managed to finish work early, which meant I wouldn't be walking
in the dark. It didn't work that way, a two car pile up on the
Kingston Bridge put paid to that.

I finally arrived at White Cairn farm and walked up the path, past the
Duck Loch to the end of the Sandy Loch, in the area between the two
Big Faeries, to where Bob (bordertroot) was camped beneath the Bare
Hill of the Roaring Stags.

Is that too cryptic for you? OK then.

I arrived at Finchairn farm on Loch Awe side, parked the car, geared
up and started the walk up the track. Through the first gate, turn
right, through the next and take the track leading off to the left,
easy enough except I took the wrong track that soon disappeared so it
was across country in the gathering gloom until I found the right
track. There is nothing like a bit of fun to start a trip. The track
meandered here and there, up and down, with some parts under water. In
the dark I didn't know how deep these areas were so it was up the
banking and by-pass them. Eventually, with the aid of the GPS and the
co-ordinates given to me by Bob, I found where I had to leave the path
and cut across the moor to the campsite. By this time I was saturated
in sweat, tired and looking forward to sleep. I put on the head torch;
I hadn't needed it until now as it was easy following the track, and
set off into the unknown. Following what I thought was a path, with
the GPS and the map for comfort, I eventually came to a small, deep,
stream with no apparent crossing point that I could see in the dark.
The GPS was showing the campsite just on the far side so I walked,
staggered would be a better description, for a bit upstream but the
ground was flat so the river stayed the same width and depth. It was
back down to the start and see if I could get across at the loch. Six
feet from where I was standing, I found the crossing, over I went and
up the mound on the far side and down to the loch shore where I would
find Bob. I found a boat but no tent, I swung my head from right to
left but all I was getting was reflection from the mist that was lying
everywhere by now. I shouted into the gloom, "Bob!!!", nothing, I
shouted twice more, "Hellooooo!!!!". My voice echoed back to me from
some distant hill, still no Bob. I zoomed the GPS in, the campsite was
showing up just to my left, three paces, something like a black hump
showed up on the edge of the point, a flash at the back and a few
steps nearer, and I had found the tent, and not a sound. Half an hour
later my tent was up, I was in the sleeping bag and trying to get to
sleep with the adrenaline still pumping through my system. It was past

Saturday 24th July

So to the fishing. Bob woke me at seven thirty, not that I hadn't
already been awake, I am always awake with the first light of a new
day. The sleeping bag hood soon puts paid to that and I soon fall
asleep again.

I dressed and got out of the tent to a pleasant morning and an even
pleasanter introduction to Bob, bordertroot from the Wild Fishing
Forum. We sat and ate breakfast chatting and getting to know each
other as we had never met before.

I left the route decision to Bob as this was his territory and I had
never fished the area. We walked back across the swamp I had
negotiated last night, keeping to the higher ground where the ground
was drier, and reached the track. We turned left and started to climb
steeply stopping briefly to watch a group of three anglers crossing
the moor towards our tents. The three of them, two men and what
appeared to be a woman, carried on past and our minds were a little
easier. We carried on and, over the rise, we came to our first loch,
Loch a'Chaorainn. Cutting down and across we fished the bank nearest
us. The weather was sunny with a light breeze; water temperature was
16ºC and air 20ºC when we started. I missed two fish, one to the Iron
Blue #12 on the middle dropper and one to the Dry Fly #14 on the bob.
This was only my second outing this year so reactions were slow.
Finally, I got one all of two inches on the Iron Blue, then one of 4oz
on the HillLoch Nymph on the point, which I had to retrieve with the
forceps as it had taken it well in. I had seen nothing rising except
for the ones to my flies as I carried on down the bank. Then it
happened, the Dry Fly disappeared in a splash, I lifted the rod and I
knew right away that this was a good, if not very good fish. I let it
run a few times and it bored under the rod bending it right over. Bob
came down for a look as I pulled a brown trout of 1¼lbs into the
shore. Picture taken he was duly released.

Reaching the end of the loch we studied the map before setting off for
our next destination, Loch na Creige Maolaich. After following a deer
path we found one going up hill and, after a stiff climb, came to the
loch at its outflow. To the left was sheer cliff but to the right a
point and decent banks for fishing. Bob decided to have a few casts in
the shallow bay and I moved round to the point. With the breeze coming
from the left I fished out and down the bank moving a few yards or so
after a few casts in the one area. A fish slashed at the Iron Blue
just under the surface. I felt its weight, then nothing. A small
indentation to my right was the area for my next cast and as soon as
the flies touched the water it exploded under the flies. Two fish,
both about 4oz, latched onto the Dry Fly and the Iron Blue. I played
them into the shore beside me but the one on the Dry Fly slipped off.
After trying to get a picture of the second one, it wouldn't stay at
peace, I released it too. We fished on round the loch but I never
touched another fish.

Our third and final loch for the day was Loch Cam. It was a shorter
climb this time, although it didn't feel any easier. The loch at this
point is split into two arms. The one we took, to the left, was the
shallower weedy one, but it didn't produce any fish for me.

That was that. The sun was dropping and we had a couple of miles to
trek back to the tents and supper. We found a deer path and followed
it back to the track and then it was an easier stroll down the hill on
the track we had climbed earlier that day. We chatted over supper then
we both headed for our tents and sleep. I was exhausted.

Bob was up bright and early next morning, which is more than can be
said for the weather, from four o'clock it had been sheeting down with
strong winds to accompany it. As he was heading out early, and had the
farthest distance to go, we said our farewells clad in waterproofs. It
was a pleasure meeting and fishing with him and I hope we can do it
again sometime.

I had breakfast; packed the tent and rucksack; checked the area for
missed rubbish and left. The little stream by this time was an
embryonic river. The stepping-stones were under six inches of water.
After a bit of a sprauchle I managed to get across with just a slight
dampness round the cuff of one boot. I now headed back down the path I
had walked up in the dark. It was flowing with water and I half
expected to pass some salmon migrating to their spawning beds. The
bits I had to walk round were now even fuller with water, and deep.
Now that it was daylight I could see the path I should have come up on
Friday night and was soon at the car.

Writing this at the computer I don't know which part of me aches the
most feet, legs or shoulders. The company was excellent as was the
fishing, but I think it needs a week to do it justice. Maybe next


Don`t Worry, Be Happy


Looking for a webhost? Try http://www.1and1.co.uk/?k_id=2966019
Fishing Wild at http://www.wild-fishing-scotland.co.uk/

Old August 1st, 2009, 02:32 PM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Derek Moody
external usenet poster
Posts: 285
Default Between the two Big Faeries

In article , Sandy Birrell

Nice story, how bad are the midges this year?

Writing this at the computer I don't know which part of me aches the
most feet, legs or shoulders.

I've not been bothering the trout much this season but I have been doing some
long pre-dawn walks along the coast in order to get a lure out at first light
for the bass. Those rocks leave an awful lot of bruises in the dark and the
slippery ones cause other strains. Iow I know how you feel ;-)

The company was excellent as was the
fishing, but I think it needs a week to do it justice. Maybe next

Ah, the next one: always the best trip.


Fishing: http://www.fishing.casterbridge.net/
Writing: http://www.author.casterbridge.net/derek-moody/
uk.rec.fishing.game Badge Page:

Old August 15th, 2009, 08:49 PM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Bill Grey
external usenet poster
Posts: 74
Default Between the two Big Faeries

In message , Sandy
Birrell writes
I had managed to finish work early, which meant I wouldn't be walking
in the dark. It didn't work that way, a two car pile up on the Kingston
Bridge put paid to that.

I finally arrived at White Cairn farm and walked up the path, past the
Duck Loch to the end of the Sandy Loch, in the area between the two Big
Faeries, to where Bob (bordertroot) was camped beneath the Bare Hill of
the Roaring Stags.

Excellent trip report snipped

Sandy - you deserved a great few days after that effort.

Well done
Bill Grey

Old August 21st, 2009, 09:50 PM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Sandy Birrell
external usenet poster
Posts: 42
Default Between the two Big Faeries

Bill Grey wrote:
In message , Sandy
Birrell writes
I had managed to finish work early, which meant I wouldn't be
walking in the dark. It didn't work that way, a two car pile up
on the Kingston Bridge put paid to that.

I finally arrived at White Cairn farm and walked up the path,
past the Duck Loch to the end of the Sandy Loch, in the area
between the two Big Faeries, to where Bob (bordertroot) was
camped beneath the Bare Hill of the Roaring Stags.

Excellent trip report snipped

Sandy - you deserved a great few days after that effort.

Well done

I've put some pictures up on my website of this trip.



Don`t Worry, Be Happy


Looking for a webhost? Try http://www.1and1.co.uk/?k_id=2966019
Fishing Wild at http://www.wild-fishing-scotland.co.uk/
Old August 22nd, 2009, 10:43 AM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Bill Grey
external usenet poster
Posts: 74
Default Between the two Big Faeries

In message , Sandy
Birrell writes
Sandy - you deserved a great few days after that effort.
Well done

I've put some pictures up on my website of this trip.



Ederline certainly looks like a remote location with what must be truly
wild brownies.

I take issue with your taking photos of the caught fish even though you
returned them. There are differing schools of thought regarding the
release of brown trout. I feel they should, if possible, never leave
the water if they are to be released.

I have been told by someone very knowledgeable on the matter, that trout
suffer for being out of the water for more than - say- 15 seconds!

Anyway, thanks for letting us share your pohotographs.
Bill Grey

Old August 22nd, 2009, 03:24 PM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Derek Moody
external usenet poster
Posts: 285
Default Between the two Big Faeries

In article , Bill Grey

I take issue with your taking photos of the caught fish even though you
returned them. There are differing schools of thought regarding the
release of brown trout. I feel they should, if possible, never leave
the water if they are to be released.

Ideally, maybe, but brownies are tougher than most fish. I've caught
identifiable fish several times over several months at least, without signs
of deterioration, and a couple of times I've taken one twice on the same

In coarse fishing on ponds some fish are caught many times over with little
detectable injury.

Otoh some fish -are- very susceptible to handling damage - apparently
mackerel almost never survive being touched which is why the specimens in
sealife aquariums always look so poorly.

At a guess, the looser the scales and the softer the slime the more likely a
fish is to suffer physical damage. Brownies are usually well jacketed
whilst seatrout of the same size are decidedly fragile.

And grayling, if handled correctly, are nowhere near as likely to die as
everyone claims.

I have been told by someone very knowledgeable on the matter, that trout
suffer for being out of the water for more than - say- 15 seconds!

Anyway, thanks for letting us share your pohotographs.



Fishing: http://www.fishing.casterbridge.net/
Writing: http://www.author.casterbridge.net/derek-moody/
uk.rec.fishing.game Badge Page:

Old August 23rd, 2009, 09:58 AM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Sandy Birrell
external usenet poster
Posts: 42
Default Between the two Big Faeries

"Bill Grey" wrote in message
In message , Sandy
Birrell writes
Sandy - you deserved a great few days after that effort.
Well done

I've put some pictures up on my website of this trip.



Ederline certainly looks like a remote location with what must be
truly wild brownies.

I take issue with your taking photos of the caught fish even though
you returned them. There are differing schools of thought regarding
the release of brown trout. I feel they should, if possible, never
leave the water if they are to be released.

I have been told by someone very knowledgeable on the matter, that
trout suffer for being out of the water for more than - say- 15

Anyway, thanks for letting us share your pohotographs.
Bill Grey

The majority of fish never come out of the water Bill. I pull them
into a shallow spot where I can picture them then I grab the hook and
release them, I fish barbless. If I do lift them out they are only
pictured then released in as short a time as I can manage. There have
only been a few times that I have had to hold fish in the water to
recover before letting them swim away. Anytime I have a problem
getting a picture and it is taking too long I forget it and just
release the fish.

Most fish can survive a time out of water and be returned successfully
as long as their gills are kept damp and their skin isn't allowed to
dry out. How else are hatcheries able to strip fish year after year if
they die every time


Don`t Worry, Be Happy


Looking for a webhost? Try http://www.1and1.co.uk/?k_id=2966019
Fishing Wild at http://www.wild-fishing-scotland.co.uk/

Old August 23rd, 2009, 04:23 PM posted to uk.rec.fishing.game
Bill Grey
external usenet poster
Posts: 74
Default Between the two Big Faeries

In message , Sandy
Birrell writes

The majority of fish never come out of the water Bill. I pull them into
a shallow spot where I can picture them then I grab the hook and
release them, I fish barbless. If I do lift them out they are only
pictured then released in as short a time as I can manage. There have
only been a few times that I have had to hold fish in the water to
recover before letting them swim away. Anytime I have a problem getting
a picture and it is taking too long I forget it and just release the fish.

Glad to hear it Sandy, though the two photos in your gallery do show the
fish out of the water even if the tails are still in. It's obvious
you've tried to do the decent thing:-)

Most fish can survive a time out of water and be returned successfully
as long as their gills are kept damp and their skin isn't allowed to
dry out. How else are hatcheries able to strip fish year after year if
they die every time

I won't argue the point, as I said, I was given my information by a well
informed person and I respect his opinion.
Bill Grey

Old May 27th, 2011, 12:43 AM
nelssoncraigg nelssoncraigg is offline
Junior Member
First recorded activity by FishingBanter: May 2011
Posts: 5

I dressed and got out of the covering to a affable morning and an even pleasanter addition to Bob, bordertroot from the Wild Fishing Forum. We sat and ate breakfast chatting and accepting to apperceive each other as we had never met before.

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