For auction on Ebay -- Honda outboard motor for a small boat, canoe, jon
boat, john boat, rowboat, row boat, Zodiac, inflatable, or saleboat tender.
2 horsepower, 4 stroke -- no mixing oil!!
Item number: 2465485062
I got this as part of another auction and I haven't used it, so I can't
comment on its history. It starts fine and sounds great! This is how it was
described to me in an Ebay auction from the previous owner in December when
I got it: "...the motor is a honda 4 stroke(no oil & gas mixing here), 2
horse power, 2002 model cost over $1200.00. Equipment has very little use.
Near new condition."
It appears to be in great condition without any evidence of wear and tear.
I've included a picture of the prop (on the Ebay site) so you can see that
there arent' any nicks or dings.
To view this item, click:
I also have a 16' Old Town Penobscot canoe for auction, too. 800
Marty S.
Baltimore, MD USA