Thread: Health check
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 11:11 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 131
Default Health check

On Saturday, October 27, 2012 12:09:25 AM UTC-4, giles wrote:
Sorry about the late response. Will post an appropriate escuse if anyone so demands.

I've looked at facebook. Even signed up a couple of years ago, thus demonstrating that cheap wine is not an unmixed blessing.

I'll continues to peek in here from time to time, though I suspect that sic transit gloria mundi applies as much to electronic media as to universes and such like.

In any case, it's been fun to watch so many reveal themselves (however unwillingly in some cases) for so many years. Even better was getting to meet and get to know some very excellent human beings. Facebook (and Dog only knows what next) will prove, I suspect, to be the antithesis of what it claims for itself (and what its proponents agree to with heads bobbing in imbecilic unison). The "Social Media" are anything but. It has already been noted by many watchers that they tend rather to isolate individuals from real human contact with others. After all, who actually NEEDS face to face contact with other anthropoids when it is so much easier to project a sanitized image?

As for anonymity.....nyuck, nyuck.

Mosca LaMouche

As for me, I am going to have a wonderful experience shopping for beautiful and durable girl's shoes in Dubai. And after I find a beautiful and durable girl to wear them, I'm off to Facebook.