What the hell has happened to this place?
On Dec 1, 10:59*pm, Chad wrote:
So I have been a little busy. Life, well... it's a kick in the ass at
times. As for fishing and tying, not like I use to. But I still get
out from time to time. I have not been here on ROFF in years. I return
and what the hell? Where did everybody go? I faded away due to just
not being able to keep up. Now, no fear of that. Did you all move to a
forum or something?
I use to post under the name Goat. Nothing lasts forever but I am a
little shocked. ROFF was a flurry of activity at one time.
Really guys, did everybody jump to a forum or is this ember just
hardly glowing?
Hm.....where to begin?
Well, things change.....some of them, anyway, sometimes.
The moved to another forum thingy......that's what ya call yer basic
A small number of the reliable thinking posters died. That happens.
Others have given up for a variety of reasons, none of which redound
to their great credit. A few remain but seldom stick up their heads.
A substantial number of the reliable morons still lurk reliably and
ocassionaly sally forth to garner yet another well-deserved
drubbing.....knowing full well what is in store for them, but
incapable of exercising anything resembling restraint. We like them.
A few.....very few.....of the latter no longer read these pages. This
is evident by virtue of the fact that they NEVER post proof to the
The bulk of the remainder of readers are just plain tired of the run
of the mill ****wits.....but are afraid to tell them so.
A precious few go about their business here, as always. We adore
who will gladly address.....personally.....anyone who feels that he or
she has been left out.