anonymous wrote in message ...
"Ken Fortenberry" wrote in message
. net...
Dawn Moe wrote:
I posted a pic of an accidental creation on abpf, any thoughts
appreciated as to why it might work. Thanks to any replies.
Who knows what a fish thinks, but to me it looks like a
pretty good tadpole imitation.
Ken Fortenberry Ha, your mother looks like a reasonable tadpole
imitation !
Whatever your differences with Ken may be, he at least gave an honest,
reasonable, thoughtful reply to my post. It would have been nice to see the
same from you. I have done nothing to offend you. Please refrain from
malicious replies to unrelated posts. Thanks.
Jeremy W. Moe
5324 Bryn Mawr Pl.
Muskegon, MI 49442
(I am not anonymous)