I didn't get any bytes on my request for fly tying links.
For better or for worse DMOZ has made me the "category editor"
for the fly tying pages. I'm going to try to improve the page.
Feedback from the seething masses would help.
Dmoz, for those who don't know, is a oddball organization,
funded by the major search engines, that relies on internet
"volunteers" to "edit categories." This means people like
me sift through pages of links and then present the
"best" links for that category. It's not clear how much attention
the search engines pay to Dmoz. But they do care enough to fund
the infrastructure. I other words, the pages that appear inside
categories at Dmoz effect, to some degree, the contents of
the search results you get at Google and Yahoo.
Post your favorite fly tying links to this thread and I'll make
sure they get included in the Fly Tying category at Dmoz.