Avoid loud and aggressive persons. by
La Site Communique; 10/02/2004 21:48:13
Hello, bienvenue, bienvenidos and g'day.=20
We hope this Communication finds your good self...
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McKenzie vice - need spare part - where? by
Jan Erik Frithjofsen
I need a spare part for my McKenzie Pedestal Vice. This is the vice
that is pictured on every page in A.K.Bests book "Advanced Fly tying".
It seems to be...
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2,262 |
Bobbin for Pearsall's by
Pearsall's Gossamer comes on half-size spools which don't work well in
typical bobbins. I know I can wind the thread onto a full size spool
(prefer no to). I...
February 8th, 2004 07:14 PM
by JR
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2,438 |
Cicada Fly Pattern by
vincent p. norris
Months ago there was a request for Cicada patterns. I said I'd post
Greg Hoover's pattern as soon as he gave it out.
(Greg is an entomologist at Penn State...
( 1 2)
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5,399 |
[eBay] Fly fishing books in Oz by
I currently have two lots of fly-fishing book for auction on eBay.
Lot 1
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7,549 |
Speak your truth quietly and clearly. by
La Site Communique; 07/02/2004 00:11:26
Hello, bienvenue, bienvenidos and g'day.=20
We hope this Communication finds you in good...
February 7th, 2004 01:11 AM
by Graham
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Texas Fly Fishers Fly Tying Festival by
Big Dale
The FFF Texas Fly Fishers Club of Houston Is having their yearly Fly Tying
Festival this Saturday. I have been driving down from the Dallas area for the
past 8...
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3,476 |
Seal Dubbing by
jim smith
Just dyed up a new batch of dubbing and have surplus. It doesnt get
better! Praised by tyers all over the world check it out...
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Eureka! was Floating Materials by
Peter Charles
A short while ago, I was ready to go postal, now I'm grinning like the
Cheshire Cat.
Talk about bi-polar fly tying . . .
I've been getting increasingly...
( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
February 5th, 2004 05:09 PM
by Willi
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REPORT San Mateo ISE by
Svend Tang-Petersen wrote:
Larry wrote:
Sort of late to ask, but anyone planning on being there tomorrow
I'll check back tomorrow...
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1,708 |
Size of alevin? by
steve sullivan
For fishing the feather river in california, I am wondering how big to
tie a king salmon alevin? I dont even know the name of the fly, it has
grey marabou for...
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1,597 |
OT windows xp format command by
Can anyone tell me how to format my laptop...it has a
removable/interchangable cdrw and floppy disk drive. (if that matters)
the standard old DOS and win 95...
January 31st, 2004 12:57 AM
by Willi
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1,702 |
Eel skin spinners. by
Stephen Welsh
No, I'm not turning! :-)
Anyone know anything of the history of these things or how they were made
.... a 100 years ago or more :-)
I've seen the eelskin...
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San Mateo ISE Jan 29th?? by
Sort of late to ask, but anyone planning on being there tomorrow (Thursday)?
I'll check back tomorrow morning before I go...
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1,716 |
Great prices on volume Beads? by
Back last summer I ran across a post identifying a website that sold all
kinds of beads, tugsten, brass, nickle, etc. at great prices in large
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The January 2004 Salmon Fly Swap by
Jan Gunnar Furuly
19 fly tiers from Canada, USA, Portugal, UK, The Netherlands, Finland,
Denmark, Sweden and Norway participated in The January 2004 Salmon Fly
Look at...
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January 29th, 2004 12:37 PM
by Phil
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salmon fry by
steve sullivan
Would appreciate directions for some good allevin patterns. I am a
fairly new tier.
"Those who would trade safety for freedom deserve neither."
January 29th, 2004 08:47 AM
by Hooked
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