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2,290 |
Travel aid by
[email protected]
Check out http://www.2spendless4travel.com for some of the best travel rates
online.This site has everybody there which saves a lot of time.
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Update GFS2006 by
Frank Church
As of now I have 3 sets of flies in my house,(with some in the pipeline)
with 15 days to go...plenty of time yet. I'm leaving tomorrow for Biloxi,
MS to...
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1,460 |
Get Rich by
Daun Johnson
Take advantage of a great deal
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1,418 |
the Canon's Beard. by
Stephen Welsh
This is my second season fishing snoeshoe rabbit feet downunder and
I've been having a great time using them on the local fish (in flies of
course :).
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Gentlemen, start your vises! by
Frank Church
OK, time's up, git to tying ya'll. Feb 15 is the deadline for getting
your flies in to me.
Frank Church...........TBD
Hans van der Stroom....CDC minibooby
( 1 2)
January 29th, 2006 01:16 AM
by Tim J.
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January 28th, 2006 06:37 PM
by tinman4
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GFS2006 swappers..FYI by
Frank Church
A little belated perhaps, but better late than never I say.
The original count was 23, but I have opted not to tie this year because
of heart trouble (I don't...
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...and a third box from..... by
Frank Church
Randy Diefert, from the great state of Washington! Thanks Randy.
Frank Sr.
....three down, 18 to go.
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Bobbin hanger alternative by
A Comulada
I've been looking to get one of those bobbin hangers for my vice. Being
that my vice is one of the bottom of the line, el cheap-o ones from Bass
Pro Shops. I...
January 24th, 2006 08:43 AM
by John
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1,875 |
just in time for spring by
I love fly fishing, I have fished for every kind of fish you can imagine
and it is a gas. A light line and fish of any size taking the fly make
for a lot...
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1,509 |
Enrico Puglisi Fly Tying Help by
I am looking for some help at tying some EP fly patterns. Although there
are many sites with photos of his flies, none of them offer...
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3,696 |
New Polarized Sunglasses!!! by
Hi All,
I am now a seller rep for Habervison sunglasses. If you would, please check
out the website www.habervision.com There are glasses of many...
January 15th, 2006 12:17 PM
by Chico
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GFS update by
Frank Church
Kind of a poor turnout this year but things change. 22 in for the swap
4 days to get started.
Frank Church...........TBD
Hans van der Stroom....TBD
( 1 2)
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New Habervision Sunglasses!!! by
Wow ladies and gentlemen these glasses are GREAT for fishing!!! Please check
out the Website! www.habervision.com
Use my code for 50% off!!
January 14th, 2006 01:25 PM
by Chico
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1,572 |
Twisted hackle? by
Somebody in their catalog is selling a dubbing twist they call "Twisted
Hackle." Cannot recall where it was. Any ideas?
January 12th, 2006 08:28 PM
by John
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update..again? yep. by
Frank Church
Frank Church...........TBD
Hans van der Stroom....TBD
Tom Littleton..........#16 snowshoe sulfur dun
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Fly rod build kit by
Ed Gildone
Just ordered a build kit for a 2wt IM6 fly rod from Hook and Hackle. My
daughters gave me gift certificates. This will be my first attempt at
building a rod....
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