(OT) Nice new laptop for me...:P by
A Comulada
Wow, just got my first ever brand new laptop (or computer period, for that
matter) and i'll tell ya what. This unit is f'in awesome! The wifey decided
to get...
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preparing deer hair by
[email protected]
I did a search and came up empty. Can anyone out there tell me what to
do with a tail to make it ready for tying? I know, I could just go buy
one, but...
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1,804 |
GFS2006... by
Frank Church
....had I known what the weather had in store for me I woulda stayed home
(no details, I want to forget this damned trip ASAP) As to the swap...
Thanks to all...
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dinner by
I'm making blackened fish fillets. I have tilapia and trout.
Cut "to the chase" for my email address.
February 21st, 2006 03:47 PM
by rw
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Ping: Tim J. by
Mr. Opus McDopus
What the hell is this supposed to mean?
AYBABTU All your base are belong to us
Op --dazed and confused--
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1,413 |
Henry's Lake in Island Park by
Ed Hall
I am looking for anyone who has fished Henry's Lake or Henry's Fork in
Island Park Idaho and would be willing to share their experience or story
with me. I am...
February 18th, 2006 11:53 PM
by Ed Hall
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1,855 |
New Fishing Website by
New Fishing Website Opens
How2Fish.com - Free articles and
information on fishing and travel.
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Fly Software by
Rusty Unger
I have seen "Fly Tying" software advertised on the internet, and was
wondering if anyone has tried any, and any reccomendations. Thanks.
( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
February 18th, 2006 06:13 PM
by Tim J.
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Best Software to cataloge fly recipes by
Just wondering what everyone's opinion is on the best fly tying software,
one that will catalogue everyone's ever-growing fly recipes? Preferably one
February 15th, 2006 06:22 PM
by Grumpy
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2,038 |
Black Drake - Upper Williamson - Oregon by
steve egge
Anyone have a good pattern that they have personally fished in the
Upper Williamson for the Black Drake hatch in June.
I understand that it is just the...
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1,903 |
Dry Fly Fishing casting dry-fly 1922 FA by
Dry Fly Fishing by R C Bridgett 1922 VGC .
Very comprehensive (316 pages, 28 chapters) volume on Dry-Fly
specifically. Lots of B/w pictures,line drawings etc....
February 15th, 2006 01:20 AM
by JaneyP
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1,456 |
Six day extension on GFS2006 by
Frank Church
My dispatcher called and begged me to take a load to Hayward, CA and I
can't turn her down, or the money. So, I'm outta here tomorrow AM until
probably next...
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Deadline nears... by
Frank Church
C'mon guys, 2 days left, let's get them flies mailed. If yours are already
in the mail disregard this nudge. If they ain't, git er done!
Frank Sr
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GFS2006 Flies in the mail by
Wayne P
I dropped the flies in the mailbox this afternoon. They are on the way!!!! I
had to fix two of them as the expoy head didnt look good enough for me...
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GFS2006 update... by
Frank Church
Flies received from:
Dave Martel
Randy Diefert
Bob Weinberger
Larry Schmitt
Big Dale
Mark Bowen
February 11th, 2006 12:47 AM
by Wayne P
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More flies arrived today... by
Frank Church
Alrighty, three more today:
*Hans van der Stroom
*Chuck Vance
Dave Martel
Bob Weinberger
Big Dale
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GFS Question . . . Atten Frank by
Wayne P
The count is 22 correct? Just want to double check. They are all tied, and I
am in the epoxying stage . . . . almost done.
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942 |
Small Diameter Thread by
I've been tying a buncha small stuff this evening (and sipping a bit of
Single Barrel -- a good evening), and have used a few different small
diameter threads,...
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Tying wings by
Benjamin Turek
Do you guys think a particular type of wing style works best. I like
divided calf for about all of my flies, because I can see it easier, but I
wonder if its...
( 1 2 3)
February 8th, 2006 11:02 PM
by Larry L
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