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Rotary Fly Tying Vises by
Jim Edmondson
I have been fly fishing for about a year and am thinking of trying tying.
I saw some videos on the Nor-Vise rotating vise system and it looked very...
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Any tips for fly-fishing the Yakima river? by
Mark Allread
I'm just another laid-off electronics tech., currently taking IT classes
here in eastern WA (Sorry to any ozzies, not that EWA) and hoping to
find time in a...
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Fly Tying Magnification by
Frank Reid © 2010
Okay, been tying size 24 dandruff flies, things like a zebra midge or
miracle midge. Even got some size 22 flashback pheasant tails.
I can put the leader on...
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TieFest - Maryland by
Frank Reid © 2010
To my mid-Atlantic friends:
Saturday February 12 2011 Lefty Kreh, Bob Popovics, Bob Clouser and
many other well known fly tiers will be at The TieFest at the...
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UDS Patterns and parachute tying tips needed. by
Mark H. Bowen[_2_]
One other question: Is the K3A supposed to be fished upside-down? or with the hook penetrating the surface film? I am trying to tie flies in the USD manner, so...
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UDS Patterns and parachute tying tips needed. by
Mark H. Bowen[_2_]
I read about the K3A Swedish dry fly hooks (apparently no longer available?). So, do any of you guyz have any tricks for tying in the parachute on upside-down...
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fly rod care by
Rodger Buffington
I would appreciate some advice on fly rod care. I have a selection of
rods, i.e. Loomis,
Sage, Orvis, T&T, etc., and it's time to clean and store. I...
January 6th, 2011 07:28 AM
by Mike D.
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Dandruff flies by
Frank Reid © 2010
Okay, big hole in my fly box. Realized that all my flies are designed
for Eastern streams. BFF.... Big Friggen Flies. When you tie a
wiggle nymph with two...
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Tube flies by
Frank Reid © 2010
Okay, now that the wife's bottle of 409 kitchen cleaner no longer
sprays, aside from the Internet, where do you get tubes for your tube
flies? Been to the...
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'Astalk the Peal..' by
In crystal streams,
all babbled bright,
where gem set currents jink and play;
Beneath a blackly velvet night,
quicksilver wolves do languid prey:
Half shadows...
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Favorite Sal****er Flies by
Casey Hargis
Never been sal****er fly fishing, but I will this weekend. Any
suggestions for flies and locations for surf fishing on Pensacola Beach?
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Top 5 Fly List by
Jason Rosin
What's your top 5 favorite flys currently in use? Don't really care
your fishin 'em.
Just curious...
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The Best Fisherman !? by
Wiki says that the best fisherman is Bill Dance, but for me, the best
fisherman is Jeremy Wade. Jeremy Wade is a writer and TV presenter
with a special...
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bucktail alternative for clousers by
can anyone tell me the best alternative to use in place of bucktail to tie
skinny water clouser minnows--bead chain eyes
February 25th, 2010 07:10 AM
by Hennessy
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Lessons by
I love fishing, but after buying second house in Oregon, all my
friends up there said I should learn fly fishing. I live in Camarillo
(north of Los Angeles)...
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Sparce flixible leeches by
.......tied on a snelled hook, with a short-shank Octopus
hook mounted near the tail end and barbell eyes up front.
Give it slack and it sinks head first. Pull...
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San Juan worm by
I am trying to tie some San Juan worm patterns using some small chenille
that I bought, but is is too flexible. Is there anything that I can
use to...
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