January 23rd, 2004, 06:29 PM
I am looking for a guide(s) to discuss the possibility of buiding and then running a
fishing camp on the Bartibog River in New Brunswick. There are 14.5 acres with 1800ft of
river frontage. The salmon fishing is superb, in part because the Bartibog is a tributary
of the great Miramichi.
Please email and I will give you a phone number to call.
remove the "X" from the email address to reply!
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fishing camp on the Bartibog River in New Brunswick. There are 14.5 acres with 1800ft of
river frontage. The salmon fishing is superb, in part because the Bartibog is a tributary
of the great Miramichi.
Please email and I will give you a phone number to call.
remove the "X" from the email address to reply!
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