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View Full Version : Nominations requested for Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey Control Alternatives Workgroup

Outdoors Magazine
January 21st, 2004, 07:25 PM
Nominations requested for Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey Control Alternatives

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking nominations for members of the
Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey Control Alternatives Workgroup. "This advisory
committee will look at control alternatives, make research recommendations,
and assist with research coordination in the Lake Champlain Basin,"
according to Dave Tilton, Project Leader for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service's Lake Champlain office in Essex Junction, Vermont.

Several representatives of stakeholder organizations have begun to
investigate sea lamprey control alternatives in Lake Champlain. Now, a Lake
Champlain Sea Lamprey Control Alternatives Workgroup will be formally
established as a Federal advisory committee. It is anticipated that many of
the stakeholder organization representatives who have been involved in
ongoing lamprey control alternative investigations will be part of the
Workgroup. "The Service is seeking nominations for the 20 to 25-member
workgroup representing organizations and agencies interested in fish and
wildlife resources and environmental quality in the Basin," Tilton said.
The Secretary of the Interior will select committee members representing a
broad-based cross-section of interest groups. The Secretary of the Interior
will consider nominations submitted by interested parties, including but not
limited to: Lake Champlain Basin residents, State and Federal agency and
University research representatives, recreational fishermen, environmental
interests, charter captains, and the general public.

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is enthusiastic about this initiative,"
said Tilton. "We hope the Workgroup develops innovative ideas and enhances
public knowledge about methods of sea lamprey management in Lake Champlain"
added Tilton.

For further information about the Workgroup and how to make a nomination,
visit http://www.fws.gov/r5lcfwro/faca.htm or call Craig Martin, Deputy
Project Leader, at 802-872-0629 ext. 26, or write to him at Lake Champlain
Fish and Wildlife Resources Complex, 11 Lincoln Street, Essex Junction, VT

Nominations must be received by February 20th.

Source: USFWS

James Ehlers

Outdoors Magazine